


The Reluctant Lawyer, the Shy Businessman, and the UI/UX Designer Who Found His Groove 

Honestly, my story’s not that interesting…  Okay, okay, who am I kidding? I mean, anyone who knows me will tell you that’s a blatant lie – my story might be a little more interesting than I let on. But hey, who am I to brag? I’ll just tell you the story, and you can decide for yourself.   Hi, I’m Nonso, the UI/UX Designer here at CloudClinic, and my path to this point has been one heavy with surprises, and a whole lot of figuring things out along the way.  The Reluctant Lawyer-in-the-Making  It all started back in secondary school. I was good at pretty much everything – science, art, you name it – I aced it all. But when the time came to pick a career path, I was clueless. Art seemed like the easier option [less calculations, you know!]. Plus, my dad had always wanted me to be a lawyer, so I figured, oh well, why not try to make the man happy?  Fast forward to JAMB registration, and guess what? I’d completely forgotten to sign up for CRK (Christian Religious Knowledge). I ended up writing Economics instead of CRK, the one mandatory subject for every prospective law student. So, my dad’s bragging rights to having a “lawyer son” went up in smoke.    With my law school dreams dashed, I had to scramble for a new course. I didn’t have any specific career in mind. I just wanted something flexible, something that would allow me to work anywhere. My ever-wise elder sister suggested two options: Human Resource Management (HRM) or Public Administration. I was leaning towards the former, but I was keen on attending Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK – my first-choice university). Unfortunately, they didn’t offer HRM. So, Public Administration it was!   Unexpectedly Falling for Public Admin  Initially, I saw Public Administration as just a placeholder, a “flexible” degree that would hopefully open doors to a variety of career paths. But as I went deeper into the coursework, something unexpected happened – I started to genuinely enjoy it. The problem-solving aspect, the focus on improving systems and processes… it appealed to my inner fixer. I ended up not only with a first-class honors degree, but also as the best graduating student in my class [yeah…yeah…feel free to applaud lol].  You see, even as a kid, I was the one everyone called on to solve problems at home. “Nonso, the switch isn’t working!” “Nonso, the TV is acting up!” It was my unofficial title.  Turns out, that innate drive to solve problems would lead me down a very different path than I’d initially imagined.  The Awakening of a Tech Giant  It was 2021, during the ASUU strike, when my ever-supportive big sister planted a seed that would change the course of my life. “Nonso,” she said, “have you considered learning some of these tech skills? People are making serious money in this field o!”   Honestly, until that point, tech had never really crossed my mind. But with her encouragement, I decided to give it a try. She recommended a UX design course, and even though I had zero clue what it entailed, I figured, “Why not?” She also gifted me my first ever laptop, which was quite the boost. My big sis is definitely all that – shout out to her!  Discovering My Passion – Love at First Sight  I won’t lie, at first, I was a bit lost. All those design principles and user flows felt like a foreign language. But as I kept learning and experimenting, I fell head over heels for UX design.  It turned out to be the perfect fit for my creative and problem-solving brain. As a UX designer, you must put yourself in the user’s shoes, understand their needs, empathize with their frustrations, and design solutions that make their lives easier and better. This felt like a natural extension of my “Nonso, fix this!” superpower.  From that point on, I was hooked. I knew I’d found my missing rib [lol]. I spent every spare moment learning, practicing, and building my portfolio. My sister, initially skeptical of my sudden tech obsession, was thrilled to see my dedication, and of course, became my biggest cheerleader and my first “client,” as I tackled a project to improve the user experience for her tailoring business.  The Internship Hustle  The ASUU strike disrupting my Public Admin studies didn’t bother me much because I was putting my time to good use. I managed to finish the UX design course. But I knew I needed real-world experience to truly excel.  I started volunteering my design skills, and eventually, I landed internships at Stay Media and Zuri. These experiences were invaluable. They allowed me to work on real-world projects, collaborate with talented individuals, and see my designs come to life and be used by actual people.  At Zuri, one of my designs was even selected for implementation! It was a huge confidence boost to know that my work was making a real impact.  The CloudClinic Calling  After graduation, I was eager to find a full-time role in UX design. That’s when a fellow designer I’d met during my internship, reached out with an opportunity at CloudClinic.  I was ecstatic! I sent my CV and portfolio that very day, and after a few [very long, lol] weeks of anxiously waiting, I got the job!  Life at CloudClinic  I’ve been at CloudClinic for a while now, and I can honestly say it’s been an amazing experience. The team is supportive, the work is challenging and fulfilling, and I’m constantly learning and growing.  In my journey to UX design, I’ve had my own fair share of challenges and emotional breakdowns, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s taught me to embrace the unexpected, follow my passions, and never stop learning.  At CloudClinic, I’m not just designing interfaces; I’m helping to shape the future of healthcare in Nigeria. And that’s what makes it all worthwhile.  Q&A With Your Favorite Designer  A Message from CloudClinic 


Telemedicine: A Lifeline for Battling Sickle Cell Disease in Nigeria

The Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), a prevailing blood sucker for years in Nigeria, has earned a track record of leaving many individuals and families fighting silent battles. With no proven cure yet, many manual healthcare professionals see little or no need to care for or show concern to victims of this disease, leaving many individuals in constant pain and neglect for what is in most cases, not their fault.    This inherited blood disorder, while not always in the spotlight, affects a significant portion of the population, particularly in western regions. The challenges faced by those living with SCD vary from frequent pain crises and hospitalizations to limited access to specialized care.  In the face of these obstacles, good news has it that telemedicine has proved a beacon of hope, offering a new avenue for improved management and support from healthcare professionals who have dedicated their lifetime to rescuing as many Nigerians as possible from the thirsty jaws of this disease.  The Unseen Struggle  Life without blood is like a man without purpose and this genetic condition with its effects on the red blood cells, an obstacle to life as distractions are to a man achieving his purpose. Victims, admis suffering from severe pain, organ damage, and other complications, spend the rest of their lives in need of frequent medical attention, searching for a cure, a way to manage this disease enough to live longer, many have even retired to their beds, in lost hope, waiting for death to end their mystery.   In Nigeria, where SCD is particularly prevalent, access to specialized care can be limited, especially in rural and remote areas. Long distances to healthcare facilities, financial constraints, and a shortage of hematologists create significant barriers to effective disease management. This often results in delayed diagnosis, inadequate treatment, and a diminished quality of life for those affected.  If you’re wondering if there’s a glimpse of hope? You’re in luck!  Telemedicine: A Ray of Hope  With the services of well-equipped and dedicated healthcare professionals who serve one purpose—bringing quality healthcare to your home, telemedicine platforms like CloudClinic have significantly improved the lives of victims with SCD. Through offering specialized care services like virtual consultations, routine check-ups, remote monitoring, etc, telemedicine platforms have significantly improved the lives of those living with this chronic condition, offering a ray of hope and solution to every patient.  Key Benefits of Telemedicine for SCD Management  Dispelling the Myths  Despite its potential, some misconceptions about telemedicine for SCD management persist:  Conclusion  For individuals living with sickle cell disease in Nigeria, CloudClinic offers a lifeline of hope and support. There are platforms, a suite of powerful tools that can transform the way this disease is being managed, improving access to specialized care, empowering patients, and ultimately enhancing their quality of life.  If you or someone you know is living with sickle cell disease, explore the possibilities of telemedicine today by downloading the CloudClinic App. Got a question or concern? Kindly leave a comment in the comment box below, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible


Advertising Was Great, But Sales Had Its Hook on Me

My journey to becoming a sales manager is a lot like Moses’ story in the Bible. It wasn’t part of my grand plan; it was more like destiny’s doing, and it certainly didn’t ask for my permission!  My first real job before graduating university, and even during my time as a Youth Corps Member, was in sales for an internet company in Makurdi, Benue State. When I left that job for the exciting world of client services and business development in advertising, I never thought I’d go back to sales.  But somehow, after reaching senior management in a few mid-sized ad agencies, I realized I needed to sharpen my skills and make myself more valuable. That led me back to sales. It’s been a rollercoaster. You hate the pressure, but there’s a thrill to it that you can’t deny.  Looking back, I see that my career path has always been shaped by the needs of my “publics” – my clients, employers, and the market I’m serving.  When I was in advertising, I wore many hats. I was a graphic designer, sound editor, client service executive, media planner, strategist, digital marketer, event coordinator, and even a political campaign specialist. I did headhunt, provided election forensic services, and was an expert witness in court. I became whatever my clients needed at the time. And now, I’m a proud salesman.  The “Why” That Fuels Me  What gets me excited about my work is the prospect of being a solution to the needs of people and organizations. That’s my core. I love doing this quietly, without needing the spotlight.  This desire to be a solution is what drove me to study engineering. I wanted to build solutions for everyday problems in Nigeria. I was idealistic back then. But a mentor saw my raw marketing talent and an innovative idea I had and brought me into advertising. It was a less difficult and more financially rewarding path than rural engineering.  Advertising allows me help people by educating them about my clients’ solutions and how they could improve their lives and businesses. I realized that most of our needs and wants are hidden; we only recognize them when we see them, and we don’t see them until someone educates us. That’s what advertising, in its purest form, does.  My current role feeds my desire to help HMOs manage healthcare needs affordably, making it more accessible and improving overall well-being of Nigerians. It sounds idealistic, I know. That is why I’m not discouraged by the challenges of the HMO sector. Every salesperson needs an ideal to keep them going, especially when facing the inevitable rejection and hearing the undesirable “no”.  A Memorable Moment at CloudClinic  My most memorable moment at CloudClinic was my birthday celebration. I was still new, and hearing my teammates’ and colleagues’ perceptions of me was amazing. Birthday celebrations are a big deal here, and I think it’s a culture that should continue. It makes people feel appreciated and see themselves through their colleagues’ eyes.  Who is Adewale Beyond Sales?  I’m a sci-fi fanatic, especially in movies. It fuels my imagination and keeps me thinking outside the box. I also have a secret love for fairytale romantic movies. I don’t indulge too often, but it keeps my heart young and reminds me of life’s infinite possibilities, washing away the negativity of our society.  Good food and old-school music round out my enjoyment, helping me unwind and generate positive energy.  Who Would Adewale Love to Meet from History?  If I could meet one person from history, it would be Thomas Edison. I admire his approach to solving everyday problems. I’d love to understand his thought process, views, and motivations in the face of “impossibilities.”  What’s One Thing Most People Don’t Know About Adewale  I’m an incurable optimist. I always look for the good in any person or situation. It might sound crazy, but I can’t help it.  A Message from CloudClinic  Adewale’s story is an inspiration to us all. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most fulfilling paths are the ones we least expect. We’re proud to have him on our team, and we’re excited to see what he accomplishes next!  If you’re looking for a company that values innovation, collaboration, and making a real difference in the world, check out our career opportunities at CloudClinic. 


How to Integrate Telemedicine into Modern Health Insurance  

Something is happening in the healthcare industry, and it is huge! Telemedicine, once a futuristic concept, is quickly becoming the new normal. Patients are increasingly seeking convenient, accessible healthcare solutions, and forward-thinking HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) and modern health insurance companies are recognizing the immense potential of telemedicine to enhance the policyholder experience and improve overall healthcare delivery.  The Rise of the Digital Patient  Today’s patients, especially younger generations, are increasingly tech-savvy and expect convenience in every aspect of their lives, including healthcare. They expect healthcare solutions to fit seamlessly into their busy lives. Telemedicine addresses this need perfectly by offering:  A Perfect Fit: Telemedicine and Modern Insurance  Integrating telemedicine into insurance policies presents a compelling opportunity for HMOs and Insurance Companies:  Benefits for Policyholders:  Benefits for HMOs/Modern Health Insurance Companies:  Creating a Seamless Integration  Integrating telemedicine seamlessly into insurance policies requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some key aspects:  CloudClinic: Your Partner in Seamless Telemedicine Integration  CloudClinic offers a robust and user-friendly telemedicine platform designed to seamlessly integrate with existing insurance structures. Our platform provides features like:  Ready to transform how you deliver healthcare services?  The future of healthcare is digital, and integrating telemedicine into your insurance offerings is no longer a question of “if” but “when.” CloudClinic is here to help you make this transition seamless and successful. Embrace the future of healthcare, enhance your policyholder experience, and achieve operational excellence with CloudClinic. 


Understanding Your Rights as a Patient in Nigeria 

Did you know that healthcare is a journey, and you’re in the driver’s seat! Yes, you are. Knowing your rights as a patient in Nigeria equips you to be an active participant in your health and make informed decisions. Whether you’re visiting a clinic or having a virtual consultation, these rights apply to you. Keep reading to explore what this means.   Your Rights in the Real World and Online World  Now, here’s the good news. Nigerian law protects your rights as a patient, both in traditional healthcare settings and through telemedicine platforms like CloudClinic. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:  Taking Charge of Your Virtual Visits:  Telemedicine offers amazing convenience, but it’s important to be aware of some additional considerations:  Empowerment Through Knowledge  Knowing your rights allows you to advocate for yourself and ask questions with confidence. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you have concerns, whether you’re sitting in a waiting room or talking to your doctor on a video call.  At CloudClinic, we believe in empowering patients. Our doctors are committed to clear communication and providing you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about your health.  Ready to exercise your right? Book your first CloudClinic virtual appointment today and experience healthcare on your terms! 


How to Ace Your Online Doctor Visits: A Patient’s Guide 

Telemedicine is awesome – but to really reap the benefits, a little prep goes a long way. Think of it like this: you wouldn’t show up to an in-person doctor’s appointment unprepared, right? Same goes for online doctor visits. In this blog, you’ll learn how to make the most of your time with a CloudClinic doctor. Ready…Set…Let’s Go!   Before Your Appointment: Set Yourself Up for Success  During the Consult: Communication is Key  After the Appointment: Follow Through Matters  Bonus Tip: Treat It Like a Real Appointment!  Yes, you’re at home, but resist the urge to multitask during your consultation. Give your doctor your full attention, just like you would in person. You never know, online doctor visits could really be the game changer you didn’t know you’d been missing. CloudClinic: Your Partner in Virtual Care  We want you to feel confident and empowered during your telemedicine visits. Remember, our doctors are here to guide you every step of the way.  Ready to experience the ease of virtual care? Book your first CloudClinic appointment today!  


Is Telemedicine Right for Me? Your Guide to Virtual Doctor Visits

Yes, it’s true — telemedicine is changing the way we think about healthcare. But is it always the best option? While virtual doctor visits are amazing for many situations, there are times when an in-person exam is still a must. In this blog, we’ll break down when to go virtual and when the clinic is the way to go.  Telemedicine: What it Excels At  CloudClinic shines for these types of care:  When In-Person Care is Essential  The Hybrid Approach: Telemedicine + In-Person  Often, the best care combines both! You might start with a teleconsultation (virtual doctor visits), then see your doctor in person for a specific test, then follow up virtually. CloudClinic works seamlessly alongside your regular healthcare providers.  Is Telemedicine Secure and Effective?  Absolutely! CloudClinic uses secure technology to protect your privacy, and our doctors are just as qualified as those you’d see in a clinic. Studies show that for many conditions, telehealth leads to equally good (or better!) health outcomes.  Unsure? We’re Here to Help  Still have questions about if telemedicine is a good fit for your specific needs? Why don’t you find out for yourself by scheduling a session with one of the qualified doctors on the CloudClinic app?   Ready to give virtual care a try? Book your first CloudClinic appointment and experience the convenience for yourself. 


Did Sharon Get Rerouted? How a Scientist Found Her Calling in Tech

Let’s be honest for a quick second. When you think of a tech-savvy product manager, a microbiologist probably isn’t the first image that pops into your head, is it? But here I am, Sharon, embracing the exciting world of product development at CloudClinic.  The truth is, my journey to this point has been anything but straightforward. I’ve always been a bit of a science geek. Ask me about bacteria or viruses, and I could probably talk your ear off. But after graduating with a decent degree in Microbiology, I quickly realized that the lab life just wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the sciences, but the thought of spending my days in a white coat, hunched over a microscope, and surrounded by test tubes, suddenly felt…well, a bit stifling.   The Accidental Saleswoman  So, what’s a microbiology grad to do when they discover a sudden dislike for lab coats? Well, if you’re me, you end up in the world of real estate sales. Yes, this became my life after NYSC. My sister had helped me to get the job, and I figured, why not? I’m a “people’s person,” and selling property seemed like a decent way to put those skills to use.  But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, a sense of unease settled in. The constant pressure to meet sales targets, the never-ending hustle, the endless cold calls… it just wasn’t me. Also, the feeling that I wasn’t truly passionate about what I was doing had started to wear on me. I was often moody, frustrated, and just plain unhappy.  After months of feeling unfulfilled and frustrated, I decided enough was enough. I quit my job, determined to find something that truly fueled my fire.  Career Experiments  In the quest to find my “true calling,” I decided to upskill. I found out about the virtual assistance field, got curious, and enrolled in a comprehensive course on ALX. After dedicating myself to the program, I graduated with honors. Although the experience was incredibly rewarding, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still missing.   Next, I tried my hand at Python programming. While I genuinely loved and appreciated the logic and problem-solving skills it required, I wanted to keep exploring.  The Making of a Product Manager  One day, while aimlessly scrolling through the internet [as one typically does], I stumbled upon an advertisement for Product Management. I’d never even heard of it before, but something about the description piqued my interest. So, I signed up for a free introductory course, and that’s when it clicked.   This was the missing piece.   Product management was a perfect blend of my love for problem-solving, my passion for learning and understanding people, and my desire to create something meaningful. I was hooked.   Learning on the Job  Fueled by this newfound passion, I fired off a cold email to a tech startup, expressing my interest in interning as a scrum master. To my surprise, they took a chance on me! What?  So then, I started my internship, eager to soak up as much knowledge as possible. And as luck would have it, the company didn’t have a designated Product Manager at the time. So, I ended up wearing that hat too. Suddenly, I was juggling multiple responsibilities, learning on the fly, and walking through all of the complexities of product development.   It was chaotic, challenging, but I tell you what, it was also exhilarating and incredibly rewarding too. I thrived on the fast-paced environment, the constant problem-solving, and the opportunity to see my ideas come to life.  After my internship, I was offered a full-time position. While I appreciated the opportunity, I knew I wanted to focus solely on product management. So, I took another leap of faith and landed a Product Manager role at a new company.  Challenge and Rewards  After my internship, I knew I wanted to focus solely on Product Management. Fast forward to today, and I’m living the dream as a Product Manager at Cloud Clinic Limited, applying my skills and experiences to this incredible company that’s making a real difference in healthcare. What can I say, I’m proud to be part of a team that’s making an impact.  See, there’s nothing quite like seeing a product you’ve poured your heart and soul into come to life. Watching users interact with it, hearing their feedback, and knowing you’ve made a positive impact on their lives – that’s what makes it all worthwhile.  However, product management is far from easy. It’s a constant juggling act. It requires me to collaborate with various teams, manage expectations, navigate conflicting priorities, and make tough decisions. It can be extremely stressful.  But guess what? The challenges are also what make it so rewarding. I thrive on the fast-paced environment, the constant learning, and the opportunity to work with talented individuals across different departments.   I love to think this career path is really just about finding that delicate balance between user needs, business goals, and technical feasibility, and I’d try not to forfeit it for anything in the world, so help me God. Lol!  Q&A With Yours Truly!  A: Oh! My journey to product management has been full of unexpected twists and turns, I tell you. But looking back, it all makes sense. My passion for learning and problem-solving, my love for connecting with people, and my desire to make a positive impact have all led me to this point. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and excited about the future. At CloudClinic, I’m part of something special, and I can’t wait to see what we create together.  A Message from CloudClinic  Sharon’s story is an inspiration to us all. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most fulfilling paths are the ones we least expect. We’re proud to have her on our team, and we’re excited to see what she accomplishes next!  If you’re looking for a company that values innovation, collaboration, and making a real difference


The Future of Virtual Consultations: How Doctors Can Stay Ahead of the Curve

The digital revolution has transformed nearly every aspect of our lives, and healthcare is no exception. Telemedicine, once a futuristic notion, has become a mainstream reality. But the industry is constantly evolving. So, as we enter into the future of virtual consultations, how can doctors position themselves to thrive in the ever-changing world of virtual consultations? Buckle up, because we’re about to explore the exciting trends shaping the future of telemedicine and equip you with the knowledge to stay ahead of the curve.  Trend #1: AI Integration: From Diagnosis Support to Personalized Care  Get ready to welcome a powerful ally: Artificial intelligence (AI). AI algorithms are poised to revolutionize telemedicine by:  How Doctors Can Stay Ahead: Familiarize yourself with the potential of AI in healthcare. Explore reputable resources to understand how AI can complement your practice and identify training opportunities to leverage this technology effectively.  Trend #2: The Rise of Wearables and Remote Monitoring  Imagine a future where patients can continuously transmit vital health data remotely. Wearables and remote monitoring devices are making this a reality.  How Doctors Can Stay Ahead: Embrace the potential of wearable technology by understanding the different devices available and how they can integrate with your telemedicine platform. Consider offering guidance and support to patients who want to leverage wearables for their health.  Trend #3: Expanding Telemedicine Specialties: Beyond the Traditional Check-up  Telemedicine is no longer confined to basic consultations. Here is a glimpse into the future:  How Doctors Can Stay Ahead: Explore expanding your telemedicine practice into new specialties. Consider pursuing relevant certifications or training to broaden your virtual service offerings.  Trend #4: The Focus on Patient Experience: Convenience, Security, and Beyond  In an increasingly competitive landscape, patient experience will be paramount. Here’s what doctors can do to stand out:  How Doctors Can Stay Ahead: Choose a telemedicine platform that prioritizes a seamless user experience for both doctors and patients. CloudClinic, for example, offers a user-friendly interface, secure communication channels, and robust data encryption to ensure patient privacy.  The Future of Virtual Consultations is Now: Be Part of the Change  The future of virtual consultations is brimming with possibilities. By embracing these trends, doctors can not only enhance patient care but also create a more efficient and rewarding practice experience.  Ready to join the forefront of telemedicine?  CloudClinic empowers doctors with the tools and technology they need to thrive in the virtual healthcare space. Our platform is designed to optimize the telemedicine experience for both doctors and patients, with features like:  Sign up as a CloudClinic doctor today and be a leader in the future of virtual healthcare! 


How to Maintain the Human Connection in Telemedicine Consultations 

Remember the days when a trip to the doctor meant sterile waiting rooms and rushed appointments? Thankfully, telemedicine has ushered in a new era of convenience and accessibility for patients. However, while the convenience and accessibility of telemedicine are undeniable, a crucial question arises: Can we maintain the warmth and human connection that are akin to in-person consultations in this digital space?   The answer is a resounding ‘Yes’. Telemedicine doesn’t have to be a cold, impersonal experience. Here’s how you, as a doctor, can leverage the power of technology while maintaining the warmth and empathy that define your practice:  Before the Consultation: Setting the Stage for Connection  During the Consultation: Building Rapport in the Digital World  Telemedicine Consultations: Tools for a More Engaging Consultation (Humanizing Technology)  After the Consultation: Extending the Human Touch  Maintaining the Human Touch: A Win-Win for Doctors and Patients  By incorporating these techniques, you can ensure your telemedicine consultations are not just efficient, but also warm, empathetic, and patient-centered. This, in turn, leads to better patient engagement, improved treatment outcomes, and a more rewarding experience for both you and your patients.  Ready to make a difference in the future of healthcare?  CloudClinic offers a user-friendly platform specifically designed to enhance the telemedicine experience for both doctors and patients. We provide the technological tools you need to deliver exceptional care virtually, while empowering you to maintain the human connection that’s at the heart of good medicine. Here’s how CloudClinic empowers doctors to deliver exceptional care virtually:  Join the CloudClinic network of doctors today and experience the future of patient care. Sign up Now!  Together, let’s ensure that the warmth and empathy of in-person care extend seamlessly into the digital world. Got questions, head over to the comment box below, and we’ll respond as soon as possible. 

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