
Did Sharon Get Rerouted? How a Scientist Found Her Calling in Tech

Let’s be honest for a quick second. When you think of a tech-savvy product manager, a microbiologist probably isn’t the first image that pops into your head, is it? But here I am, Sharon, embracing the exciting world of product development at CloudClinic. 

The truth is, my journey to this point has been anything but straightforward. I’ve always been a bit of a science geek. Ask me about bacteria or viruses, and I could probably talk your ear off. But after graduating with a decent degree in Microbiology, I quickly realized that the lab life just wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the sciences, but the thought of spending my days in a white coat, hunched over a microscope, and surrounded by test tubes, suddenly felt…well, a bit stifling.  

The Accidental Saleswoman 

So, what’s a microbiology grad to do when they discover a sudden dislike for lab coats? Well, if you’re me, you end up in the world of real estate sales. Yes, this became my life after NYSC. My sister had helped me to get the job, and I figured, why not? I’m a “people’s person,” and selling property seemed like a decent way to put those skills to use. 

But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, a sense of unease settled in. The constant pressure to meet sales targets, the never-ending hustle, the endless cold calls… it just wasn’t me. Also, the feeling that I wasn’t truly passionate about what I was doing had started to wear on me. I was often moody, frustrated, and just plain unhappy. 

After months of feeling unfulfilled and frustrated, I decided enough was enough. I quit my job, determined to find something that truly fueled my fire. 

Career Experiments 

In the quest to find my “true calling,” I decided to upskill. I found out about the virtual assistance field, got curious, and enrolled in a comprehensive course on ALX. After dedicating myself to the program, I graduated with honors. Although the experience was incredibly rewarding, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still missing.  

Next, I tried my hand at Python programming. While I genuinely loved and appreciated the logic and problem-solving skills it required, I wanted to keep exploring. 

The Making of a Product Manager 

One day, while aimlessly scrolling through the internet [as one typically does], I stumbled upon an advertisement for Product Management. I’d never even heard of it before, but something about the description piqued my interest. So, I signed up for a free introductory course, and that’s when it clicked.  

This was the missing piece.  

Product management was a perfect blend of my love for problem-solving, my passion for learning and understanding people, and my desire to create something meaningful. I was hooked.  

Learning on the Job 

Fueled by this newfound passion, I fired off a cold email to a tech startup, expressing my interest in interning as a scrum master. To my surprise, they took a chance on me! What? 

So then, I started my internship, eager to soak up as much knowledge as possible. And as luck would have it, the company didn’t have a designated Product Manager at the time. So, I ended up wearing that hat too. Suddenly, I was juggling multiple responsibilities, learning on the fly, and walking through all of the complexities of product development.  

It was chaotic, challenging, but I tell you what, it was also exhilarating and incredibly rewarding too. I thrived on the fast-paced environment, the constant problem-solving, and the opportunity to see my ideas come to life. 

After my internship, I was offered a full-time position. While I appreciated the opportunity, I knew I wanted to focus solely on product management. So, I took another leap of faith and landed a Product Manager role at a new company. 

Challenge and Rewards 

After my internship, I knew I wanted to focus solely on Product Management. Fast forward to today, and I’m living the dream as a Product Manager at Cloud Clinic Limited, applying my skills and experiences to this incredible company that’s making a real difference in healthcare. What can I say, I’m proud to be part of a team that’s making an impact. 

See, there’s nothing quite like seeing a product you’ve poured your heart and soul into come to life. Watching users interact with it, hearing their feedback, and knowing you’ve made a positive impact on their lives – that’s what makes it all worthwhile. 

However, product management is far from easy. It’s a constant juggling act. It requires me to collaborate with various teams, manage expectations, navigate conflicting priorities, and make tough decisions. It can be extremely stressful. 

But guess what? The challenges are also what make it so rewarding. I thrive on the fast-paced environment, the constant learning, and the opportunity to work with talented individuals across different departments.  

I love to think this career path is really just about finding that delicate balance between user needs, business goals, and technical feasibility, and I’d try not to forfeit it for anything in the world, so help me God. Lol! 

Q&A With Yours Truly! 

  • Q: What’s your most memorable moment at CloudClinic so far? 
  • A: My time at CloudClinic has been filled with amazing experiences. On that stands out is a particularly memorable design review meeting. Normally, these meetings are all business focused and dead serious, but this one took a hilarious turn when our CEO shared the story behind the idea for one of our features. The whole room erupted in laughter, and everyone just started to through funny banters. Honestly for me, this was a beautiful reminder of the importance of human connection and shared joy, even in the midst of a busy work environment.  
  • Q: What can we catch you doing when you’re not building products? 
  • A: Well, you’ll likely find me with my nose buried in a book. I’m a voracious reader and a lifelong learner. There’s something magical about getting lost in a good story or expanding my knowledge on a new topic. I know… I know, some may find this boring but hello… that’s just who I am. And yes, I also have a secret passion for podcasting! I love the idea of sharing my thoughts and experiences with the world. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll finally hit “publish” on that Spotify channel… 
  • Q: If you could meet one person in history, who would it be and why? 
  • A: This is a tough one, but I’d have to choose two remarkable women. First, Dora Akunyili. My goodness! Her tireless dedication to safe healthcare and her fight against counterfeit drugs truly inspires me. I think for me, her legacy serves as a constant reminder of the importance of the work we do at CloudClinic, which is to ensure access to quality and safe healthcare. 
    Second, I’d love to meet Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti. She was a fearless advocate for women’s rights and education. Her courage, intellect, and dedication to social justice continue to inspire generations. I deeply admire her unwavering commitment to fighting for what’s right and empowering others. 
  • Q: What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? 
  • A: People are often surprised to learn that I’m a bit of an introvert. If you speak with me over the phone or something, you’d think I’m the most outgoing and energetic person. But take me out to a social setting, and my social battery will drain faster than you can say jack. Truth is, I’m perfectly happy spending a quiet evening at home with a good book. Oh, and another secret? I have a passion for teaching! I love sharing my knowledge and empowering others to succeed. 
  • Q: Any final words on your journey so far? 

A: Oh! My journey to product management has been full of unexpected twists and turns, I tell you. But looking back, it all makes sense. My passion for learning and problem-solving, my love for connecting with people, and my desire to make a positive impact have all led me to this point. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and excited about the future. At CloudClinic, I’m part of something special, and I can’t wait to see what we create together. 

A Message from CloudClinic 

Sharon’s story is an inspiration to us all. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most fulfilling paths are the ones we least expect. We’re proud to have her on our team, and we’re excited to see what she accomplishes next! 

If you’re looking for a company that values innovation, collaboration, and making a real difference in the world, check out our career opportunities at CloudClinic. 

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